Helping Hands Group had the honor of recognizing a very important member of the team during April’s packing day.  Larry Evans was awarded the Founders Award for his dedication and selfless sacrifice to Helping Hands throughout the past couple of years. He was also promoted to Vice President and is recognized for his additional responsibilities. Helping Hands is very blessed to have Larry on the team. He is the first one to arrive at packing day and is the last to leave. During packing events, he is encouraging to the volunteers and makes everyone feel welcome. Behind the scenes, Larry is busy organizing distribution events and communicating effectively to all volunteers. Want to know more about our Founders Award winner? We were able to chat with Larry about his dedication to helping his neighbors in need.

Larry! We are so thankful to have you on the Helping Hands Team. Congratulations on this well deserved award. How long have you been volunteering with Helping Hands?

Going on three (3) years now. I started back in June of 2020. 

Wow! Three years and going strong. How did you get connected with Helping Hands?

Back in early 2020 at a Celebrate Recovery Leader meeting. We needed to see who would be interested in helping out with a food pantry called Helping Hands. This was something that made sense to me to serve and to give back to our community and it tied into my own 12-Step recovery program  that we can then give back to our Church or to our community. I was already serving at Canyon Lake Community Church on the Hosting team so I felt led to raise my hand and the rest is history.

That’s right, the rest is history and we are so glad you decided to raise your hand that one night. Where have you seen the most growth in Helping Hands Group over the years?

Our Volunteers. The amazing increased numbers of volunteers we have seen over the last 2-3 years has also helped to meet the ever increasing demand to serve more people in need.

What a blessing it is to have the needs of Helping Hands met through our volunteers. What do you find most rewarding?

Our newcomers. Seeing the newcomers who show up excited and leave feeling they made a difference in this world is very rewarding to me. That was me then in 2020 and still is today.

Yes! That is a great point. When they leave feeling rewarded, new volunteers become regulars! Where do you see the need in our community today?

Providing Service Opportunities to those who want to serve – This is essential to our mission. Community Outreach events is ongoing. Getting the word out that Helping Hands is there to provide service opportunities to many so we can provide food security for those in need. 

Got to get the word out there. That is a very important insight. Final question, you’ve got leave us with a fun fact about yourself!

I love hiking with my wife and daughters where we hit the trails and all I hear is the earth crumbling beneath my hiking boots. That’s the best sound in the world for me. Being in the Information Technology realm for over 25+ years, I love to get off the grid / matrix completely as often as I can.

Very awesome Larry! Thank you so much for your dedication to helping your neighbors in need!


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